006-00474 dairy cattle have a bony structure when compared to beef cattle
dairy cattle have a bony structure when compared to beef cattle
006-00476 black and white dairy cow stock image
black and white dairy cow stock image
006-00479 Holstein Friesian cow resting in green pasture stock image
Holstein Friesian cow resting in green pasture stock image
006-00012 Holstein dairy cow in pasture
Dairy cow standing in the pasture
006-00035 low close-up of a Holstein cow grazing
close-up of a Holstein cow grazing
006-00037 two cows standing in the pasture
two cows standing in the pasture
006-00051 applying disinfectant spray to the cow’s udder and teats
applying antiseptic spray to the cow’s udder and teats
006-00053 Holstein heifers standing beside the fence
Holstein dairy cows standing beside the fence
006-00054 cows eating from a feed trough
cows eating from a feed trough
006-00055 Holstein cow standing outside the dairy
Holstein cow standing outside the dairy
006-00003 Cows being milked in a rotary parlor dairy
Worker fitting suction unit of milking system to a cows’ teats
006-00005 Farm worker attaching milking clusters to a dairy cow
Securing the suction units to a dairy cow’s teats
006-00001 Manually entering a cows ID number into the electronic milking system
A farmworker is setting the timer on an electronic milking unit in the dairy